Sunday, February 2, 2014

Keep It Simple with Your Meals

An avocado sandwich with sprouts is a filling, delicious meal.

When I first became vegan, I went though this phase where I replaced animal protein with fake meats in all my favorite dishes. After a few weeks, I then started scouring the Internet for specific vegan recipes in which to impress my family.

I was making cream sauces from cauliflower or cashews. I was using jackfruit as a pulled-pork substitute. I was using nuts, vegetables, and fruits in ways I never imagined. And it was fun! 

After several months, I wanted to simplify things. I wanted to taste vegetables without them being blended in cheesecakes or buried under spices. 

I have struck a good balance now. Maybe about 10 percent of my meals have highly processed vegan products, such as fake meats. About 45 percent of my meals have no such items but require some cooking skills and a variety of ingredients, while the other 45 percent of my dishes are as simple as simple can be. 

A simple sandwich that is absolutely delicious and filling is a smashed avocado sandwich. Just smash a ripe avocado on some toast and sprinkle with salt and pepper. I like to smear a little vegan mayo on the top half of bread, and if I have sprouts, I add that too. The sandwich is creamy, salty, peppery, and just plain awesome.

Even the simplest meals are a masterpiece! 

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