Friday, February 21, 2014

Review: Hail Merry Strawberry Macaroons and OCHO Coconut Bars

When you're craving a strawberry treat, you hope your snack tastes as delicious as this macaroon from Hail Merry. It's a perfect bite.

My Vegan Cuts Snack box contained a wonderful treat from Hail Merry. The company's strawberry macaroons are little bites of chewy goodness that are bursting with strawberry flavor. 

You get the texture of shredded coconut with every chew, but all you taste is this beautiful strawberry flavor.

I haven’t tried many raw treats, but the few I have were not tasty at all. I was expecting not to like these macaroons, but they were exceptional. I would eat these all day, every day.

Another thing to keep in mind: All products sold by Hail Merry are free of corn, soy, and starches.

OCHO makes a scrumptious coconut dark-chocolate candy bar that's leaps and bounds better than a Hershey Mounds bar.

I purchased a box of eight OCHO Coconut Bars from Vegan Cuts. I was always a fan of Hershey's Mounds bar as a child, and when I saw these, I had to try them. It's been years -- decades even -- since I've eaten an Almond Joy or Mounds bar, but I do remember the overly sweet coconut filling and tasty chocolate shell.

The OCHO Coconut Bar did not disappoint. Not only is the product organic and vegan, but it's free of artificial preservatives and ingredients. Eat that, Hershey!

As you bite into the coconut bar, you get a slight crunch as you break the dark-chocolate shell. Then you taste the slightly sweet, gooey, coconut filling. You can feel the shredded coconut in your mouth, and the flavor is amazing. Before you know it, the bar is over, but you feel satisfied. That's not to say you don't want another bar right away, but you don't feel this addictive craving for another bar like you do with the conventional, overly sweet candy products on the market.

Well done, Hail Merry and OCHO -- well done!

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